Social Experiments; A Woman With a Cup the Wrong Way Up, 2021-22
A site-specific temporary installation made during a year-long residency at SET Woolwich, and installed in the foyer of its old Greenwich council & HMRC building on Beresford Street, South East London. The work includes a number of filmed performance elements some made with Marta Valverde, and a related thread called Training Day. A 20min video work was filmed in the installation and shown at SET in a group show of the Free Studio Prize winners in September 2022. With thanks to Leah Valverde and SET Woolwich.
Foyer PDF / Toppling PDF
Hand cut Polystyrene and Plywood sculptures in-situ in the Foyer at SET Woolwich, April 2022
20min Video Iteration
Made with dance artist Marta Valverde.
An iPad screen sunk into the back of a sculpture, with a 3 min video work on loop, made of Marta’s original cup phrase that she made in response to mine, and collaged elements of cut out of images of my torso with the cup, face removed. Filmed by Leah Valverde.
Video performance work ‘Training Day: and the woman said- ‘No! I want this fish or none at all!’, presented via a bronze QR code, for audiences to view the work on their phones
Audience watching 'Training Day' shown in an abandoned locker on the Mezzanine at SET Woolwich
A framed drawing of a fish from the video performance work Training Day, is framed and sits next to a bronze QR code that leads to the video work.
A still from ‘Training Day: and the woman said ‘No! I want that fish or none at all.’ 2021 Concept, choreography and film made by Alexis Zelda Stevens. With thanks to Adrian Look.
The framed fish drawing and bronze QR code reconfigured in a group show on Floor 4
Social Experiments reconfigured on Floor 4
Hand cut Polystyrene and Plywood sculptures 2.5-3m x 2m The third iteration of the work on Floor 4, with the potential to become less site-specific, September 2022
‘Trace the exact shape of everything in your pocket while talking to someone’ 2021.
Jesmonite cast with looping digital video of fingers fiddling with earphones and a collaged image of an ear expanding and shrinking.
A further example of work made using the Tanztheatre approach of connecting an emotional state with a sentence in order to generate a stageable element- extended by me to include an object or image.